
Build Influence Online in 2024

In the past five years, we've taught 100s of people to write online - and there's one mistake we see the most:

Writers try to cram too many ideas into one essay. The result? They never break through the noise.

But luckily, there's a simple fix: the Shiny Dime.

The Shiny Dime is a concept we teach to help people stand out online, and we’ve distilled it into a simple writing challenge.

Join the challenge by entering your email below.


In the coming weeks you will:

  • Compress your best ideas into writing that sticks. Authors, marketers, and entrepreneurs use Shiny Dimes to resonate with millions.
  • Discover ideas you didn't know you had. What seems obvious to you would be amazing to others.
  • Share your work and benefit from the Internet’s serendipity. Magical things come to those who write online.
  • Learn from the best. Our team has collected dozens of Shiny Dimes, some of which have had a profound impact on modern culture and your own life (without you even realizing it).
  • Join a community of writers. You will be among 100s of other writers sharing their Shiny Dimes.

"The world rewards those who are best at communicating ideas, not necessarily those who have the best ideas. The first step for you is to hit the 'Publish' button.
Only participate in this challenge if you are committed to consistently sharing your ideas over the next 10 weeks.
Good things come to those who write. But magical things come to those who publish."



Why You Need Shiny Dimes

  • A dime is smaller than a nickel but twice as valuable. In the same way, a Shiny Dime is small, yet dense with meaning.
  • The way to uncover universal truths is to dive into hyper-specific topics. Don't go wider on your ideas; go deeper.
  • By focusing on less, you can say much more.
  • By narrowing your scope, you’ll find many more topics to write about.
  • A Shiny Dime helps you figure out what you’re trying to say. And it lets your reader know exactly what that is.
  • A Shiny Dime simplifies the revision process. Keep what's relevant, and cut what isn't.
  • When you give your idea a name, your readers will remember it and talk about it. Shiny Dimes make your ideas stick.
  • The best writers compress meaning into fewer words. By mastering Shiny Dimes, you’ll level up as a writer.


Examples of Shiny Dimes

"With great power comes great responsibility."

Stan Lee

"It’s always Day 1."

Jeff Bezos

Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results

James Clear

David Perell

Move Fast and Break Things

Facebook Creed

The Obstacle Is The Way

Ryan Holiday

Sign up to learn from stand-out examples of Shiny Dimes, which will inspire you to share your own.


About David Perell

"Years ago, I started writing online, and it completely changed my life.

One essay in particular opened doors for me that were unfathomable at the time. My heroes became my friends.

Now I spend my time helping others discover their best ideas and start writing online, through my writing school called Write of Passage.

This challenge is all about the concept that unlocked all the other writing ideas for me. It's called the Shiny Dime.

Most of what you find online is confusing and complex. The answer is simplicity. By sharing your Shiny Dimes, you could attract opportunities that change your life, like I did.

So, get to writing!"

– David

Outline of the Shiny Dime Challenge

Prologue: How to Capture Attention in a Crowded World

This is your introduction to the Shiny Dime concept and an overview of what you can expect from the ten-week challenge. You'll learn how Shiny Dimes can help you:

  • Choose a topic that is unique to you
  • Stand out with surprising ideas
  • Create memorable coined phrases
  • Write simply and concisely
  • Attract readers and keep their attention.

Part 1: The Fundamentals

Three critical lessons to understanding the Shiny Dime concept, designed to make writing approachable and fun:

  • Are You Trying to Say Too Much?
  • Simplicity Is On the Other Side of Complexity
  • Go for Density, Not Brevity

Part 2: The Three Types of Shiny Dimes

Once you learn what a Shiny Dime is, it's time to start discovering your own. There are three distinct types of Shiny Dimes, and each is its own method for compressing ideas:

  • The One-Sentence Summary
  • Coined Phrases and Catchy Titles
  • Stories as Shiny Dimes

Part 3: Advanced Tactics

At this point in the challenge, you will have been publishing week after week. And the final three weeks are all about how the Shiny Dime can help you keep your publishing streak. You'll master the Shiny Dime concept by learning three advanced tactics:

  • The Anatomy of Coined Phrases
  • How to Revise with the Shiny Dime
  • How to Find Your Core Idea: What Is Your Shiniest Dime?
Discover Your Shiny Dimes
Start Sharing the Ideas You Didn't Know You Had