Learn From The Best Writing of All Time

We study writing from the greats, then teach you how to write like them every week. Authors, screenwriters, speakers, lyricists, artists, you name it.

Send me this every Wednesday

You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.
Annie Proulx

What is that thing they say? Build the thing you wish existed. 

Well, this is that for me.

I always wanted a clear and direct way to learn from the best writing ever written.

I have spent a silly amount of hours collecting and analyzing the best writing I could find. From Dostoyevsky to Kendrick Lamar. 

It's from implementing lessons from these greats that I was able to improve my craft.

Now, I have an audience of over 430,000 people. I’ve met dozens of my heroes in real life. I’ve launched my dream podcast, where I get to shake hands with some of the world’s best writers. I changed my trajectory and unleashed my potential.

I built this newsletter to help you learn from the best, not for entertainment, but so you may improve your craft and reap the rewards.


Writing Examples

How Irony Creates Brevity and Depth
Make Words Emotional With Tension and Release
Humanize the Inanimate