Your Questions About Write of Passage, Answered
Join us for a free, live Q&A with David Perell, the founder of Write of Passage, on Monday, September 16, at 1 pm in New York (ET).
- Learn about the Write of Passage Bootcamp.
We teach the highest-quality writing instruction online, period. And not by self-diagnosis. Dozens of our students have dubbed the Bootcamp as "life-changing" and "transformational." Come hear more about what you'll learn and what you'll write. - Meet your soon-to-be instructor, David.
If we had to describe David in three words, we'd say: innovative energizer-bunny. Come meet David face-to-face and get a taste of the writing wisdom you can expect in the Bootcamp. - Get answers to your questions.
Maybe you've wanted to join Write of Passage for weeks, months, even years, but you're not sure if it's for you. This Q&A is the perfect opportunity to find out. And trust us, we'll be honest. If Write of Passage truly isn't for you, we're the first ones to let you know. Come get answers to your questions.
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Starting to write online was the single best professional decision I’ve ever made, by an enormous margin.
Packy McCormick

Funny story - I used to hate writing. My first boss even told me I was “an atrocious writer.” Ouch.
But I loved ideas.
So, I started exploring my own ideas in public. And guess what? People made fun of me for it. Relentlessly. But I didn’t care. Because writing changed everything for me. Suddenly, the brightest minds were reading my words, and people from around the world were reaching out to me. New doors were opening, doors I was eager to walk through.
Now, I have an audience of over 430,000 people. I’ve met dozens of my heroes in real life. I’ve launched my dream podcast, where I get to shake hands with some of the world’s best writers. I changed my trajectory and unleashed my potential.
And I built Write of Passage to help you do the same. I’d love to show you the way.
Join over 1600 writers writers from 72 countries
Many writing programs promise to make you a better writer. Write of passage goes beyond to make you a better human. It didn't just unlock my pen, it changed my heart.

Ayomide Ofulue
Write of Passage is a life-changing course. There are very few communities that have this energy and vibe.

John Nicholas
Write of Passage has made me significantly. more confident in sharing my ideas with the world and has helped make me a better writer. It's an intense course, but I feel transformed by it in the best way.

Justin Frank
It got me over my biggest hurdle: fear of publishing. In week one, I was scared to hit publish. By week five, it felt natural. I would not have gotten there without this program.

Rick McClelland
Write of Passage gave me a structure and a community to support my creative process. And because of the friends I've made, I feel more intellectually and creatively stimulated than I have since grad school

Chris Cordry
Write of Passage helped me connect the dots with my writing. I had an inconsistent practiceand was unsure on how to move past certain blocks. I'm now exploring my voice and feel confident expressing it.

Eviana Vergara
Write of Passage cured my intellectual loneliness and reminded me that the Internet isn't just bots and trolls and algorithms. There are real humans out there, full of curiosity and warmth and passion.

Alan Hibbard
Write of Passage helped me face my fear of publishing ideas online. I left the quicksand of analysis paralysis and found a child-like freedom of expression.

Saalik Lokhandwala
Write of Passage has opened doors for me that otherwise wouldn't be possible to even knock on. It will forever be my favorite place on the Internet.

Danny Oak
Write of Passage has taught me more useful skills than I could have ever dreamt! The camaraderie, the small groups, the feedback are all outstanding.

Rick Planos
The value and impact Write of Passage had on me is immeasurable. The things that felt like blockers to consistently writing or writing with clarity slowly eroded over my cohort. Write of Passage is certainly the opening pages of a new chapter in my life.

Sean Murphy
Write of Passage has been an absolute game-changer for me. With a supportive community and invaluable guidance, I've been able to overcome self-doubt and embrace vulnerability in my writing journey. Now, I'm fearlessly sharing my words with the world

Catalina Munoz
I've never met a group of more encouraging people. This is a truly special community.

Rychelle Moses
The genuine enthusiasm and support of Write of Passage has been a gift to my writing. I didn't think it possible to write what I did, but there it was on the page.

Alissa Mears